refined elegance

sophisticated in its union of juxtaposing materials, balanced in line and proportion, and sensual in its design, the tina console series embodies the art of elegant refinement. the steel that once laid lifeless as a solid sheet of metal is forged to be graceful and clean. a naturally felled slab is recovered from its original urban roots. once part of a living sycamore tree, it is given the OPPORTUNITY to live once again.

the effortlessly flowing lines of the steel base delicately embrace the slab top, encouraging the sycamore to have a voice of its own. perfectly angled ends interplay with the natural movements of the live edge while the subtle curvature of the slab invites a warm, comforting vibe. the top and base are in complete harmony with one another. oils and waxes are hand rubbed into the wood and steel, encapsulating the materials and allowing the table to glow as one holistic piece. steel and wood, reclaimed and refined. lovingly REIMAGINED and SKILLFULLY crafted.

The Tina series is an HOMAGE to my late mother, tina stenta. her essence, her form, her beauty, and her fortitude are all embodied in this design. she was a “statement piece” that left a LASTING impression on all she touched.


Tina Console Table - Antiqued

Tina Console Table - polished

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